Friday, February 24, 2017

Change Specs?

Salam and hye hye gorgeous!

Lately ni ramai orang duk tegur, tukar specs baru ke? Mmg ada niat nk tukar specs baru, nak tukar style len tapi bila pergi kedai specs try out a few new different style xnampak perbezaan sgt. What for kalau tukar specs x nampak different look kan. Plus, dengan harga yang aku akan byr tu x worth enough lagi lagi kalau x rabun. Yes, u heard me, aku tak rabun. 🤗

Usually aku pakai specs sbb aku nak jaga mata since selalu tengok skrin, so biasanya aku pakai specs sebab to protect my eyes from blue light from laptop screen or other devices such as hp and so on. Sebab after finish my degree, kepala rajin pening2, so check mata kat kedai specs mmg aku xde rabun and silau pon xde cume certain time tu silau2 sikit. But then aku ternampak pasal blue tech rays protection kat pamplet kedai tu terus aku tanya pasal tu and selepas diberi briefing about that aku terus buat. Alhamdulillah, ok dah x pening2 or sakit mata bila tengok screen komputer. 

Pemakaian tujuan specs asal adalah bg tujuan protection from blue rays tp aku rajin jugak pakai bg tujuan yang lain iaitu bg tujuan bergaya and kdg2 sebab malas nk tgk orang sekeliling (?? Reason ni sebab bg aku kalau pakai specs skop penglihatan ak akan too narrow range, so kalau aku jalan pon aku menonong je 🤣, maaf ye kalau x nmpak dan tegur kowg ye).

Berbalik pada ramai yang kata aku tukar specs td buat aku keliru. First thing, what make they thought aku tukar specs and second thing, tak sangka ada they had keen observation towards me (appreciated it guys 😊). By the way, I think what make them think i changed the specs due to my face became smaller, then it makes my specs looked obviously showy in my face. I didnt realized it before until a few friends tegur my body is more fit than our last meet up, that time masa aku x pakai specs. So that is it yang aku rasa dowg fikir aku tukar new specs. 

Even my students tegur about my specs 😂😂. Then I realized, yes I am getting more fit than last month. I found my own satisfaction when I can get back into my daily routine workouts (cardio crossfit, cardio sculpting and muscle strengthening) about 45-1 hrs at least 5 times per week every morning and I can feel the effect right here. It's a great feeling. One thing i cant managed it very well are eating clean and frequently (6times/day). 

But whatever you do, you must be determined and enjoy to do for yourself. That's the way you find a great achievement and happiness too. Love yourself 😘!

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