Thursday, March 28, 2013

Tetamu Allah

Assalammualaikum dan salam sejahtera, kalian!

Alhamdulillah, kehidupan aku dari semasa ke semasa baik, tenang dan bermakna. Aku sangat bersyukur bertanamkan niat untuk mencari cinta yang hakiki terhadap yang satu dipermudahkan jalannya.  Didampingi dengan orang-orang yang banyak ilmu dan baik pegangan agamanya serta berkongsi pengalaman  dan pendapat sesama mereka adalah satu kelebihan buat diri aku. Memang aku akui susah untuk melakukan perubahan lebih-lebih lagi untuk ke arah kebaikan. Yang penting niat bersertakan usaha dan istiqamah walaupun prosesnya lambat. 

Memandangkan sekarang musim orang menunaikan umrah, jadi ada beberapa kenalan yang berkesempatan menjadi tetamu Allah di sana. Pemergian mereka selama 2 minggu lebih memberikan pengalaman yang sangat bermakna dan berharga untuk mereka jadikan titipan kongsian bersama. Bercerita sejarah, keadaan dan pengalaman mereka di sana sudah boleh menghibakan perasaan, apatah lagi jika benar-benar berada di sana yang lagi betul-betul dekat denganmu, Ya Allah. Subhannallah!

Insha Allah, dengan rezeki dan keizinan dariMu, persiapkanlah aku untuk menjadi tetamumu, Ya Allah! Bukan lagi negara Korea yang menjadi destinasi impian dalam list aku. 

Terima kasih buat sahabat-sahabat yang telah secara spesifik dan peribadi telah mendoakan aku di Jabal Rahmah (tempat pertemuan antara Nabi Adam A.S. dan Hawa selepas diturunkan ke dunia dari Syurga) untuk permudahkan jodoh aku. Aku amat terharu! Semoga doa kalian memberi satu kekuatan lagi terhadap kehidupan aku. Amin!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I need Time of My Own

Assalammualaikum and Happy Tuesday, dear peeps!

7 days every week,
out of 4 days, 
Despite of spending time for myself,
I have another commitment that prosecute me to do another part time job,
as a tuition teacher (tutor),
A huge responsibility that I have to bear on my shoulder, 
To teach and guide them,
Though it was hard,
and complaining is a must coz I'm human,
but most of the time I'll try to carry the responsibility whole-heartedly,
Hoping that they can feel my sincerity through my teaching,
May the knowledge that being vessel to them will be blessed,
So that they can practice what they preach,
and wish that all my deeds will get paid in hereafter

However...I am still a human being
I wish I have time of my own,
Though, it is momentary, 
It is important and precious to me,
The moments where I don't have to think about other people,
That I can just let my mind, body and soul doing my stuffs without worrisome of other things,
With no interference or disturbance from any angle of my circling,
Only me and doing stuffs,
The rest of the 3 days are my worth count days as my time of my own,
and that time is a vital,
That I hope it could last longer,
So that I could do things as much as I want

I have been thinking,
Time is like the coin of your life,
It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how will it being spend,
Be careful lest you let the other spend it for you
Obviously it is the one we want the most,
but yet the one that we use worst

Time ripen all things,
and it revealed everything,
Indeed, time is the father of the truth
Just for sharing: Today, I have been telling white lies said that I had a fever as an excuse to attend my tuition class tonight. Sorry my beloved students. I don't want to push myself doing something that I do not put heart on it. I just need a little rest. White or black, big or small, lies are lies! I will be punish for this. Please have a mercy on me, Allah! 

Happy and peaceful day without lies, peeps!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Sesuatu yang mendamaikan

Assalammualaikum dan Salam Hari Rabu, kalian!

Tengahari tadi aku telah melakukan sesuatu yang memelikkan. Belum pernah aku pergi kedai runcit, beli majalah. I repeat, "MAJALAH" bukan KOMIK, ye! At first, aku dah ambil Majalah Wanita, Fauziah Gous as cover girl dia but then I found Mingguan Wanita keluaran 8-14 Mac, Nelydia dan Raja Ema lebih intriguing. Seperti mana kepantasan aku berjalan, memandu, berfikir, begitu juga dengan tangan aku mempunyai skil yang sama untuk grab majalah tersebut dengan sepantas kilat tanpa membelek isi kadungan majalah tersebut.  Memang mudah bagi aku untuk buat keputusan bila melibatkan pemilihan antara 2 majalah tersebut, cover yang menarik dan gerak hati! 

Belek punya belek, aku jumpa sesuatu yang best dalam satu petikan cerpen dari keluaran majalah tersebut dimana kata-kata bait yang disampaikan sangat menyejukkan hati. Tak perlu kata-kata romantis yang berbunga-bunga untuk buatkan jiwa terbuai oleh pengucapannya. Penyampaian yang cukup jelas dan tegas disamping penuh simbolik.

    Dania, telah banyak yang ingin melamarku, orang yang datang ke rumah adalah orang-orang istimewa. Umumnya memiliki ketua di tanah kelahiran  mereka. Namun ada yang datang dari luar pulau, hanya untuk mendaftarkan diri sebagau mertuaku.  
   Dania, mereka sangat cantik, namun aku hanya mahu menjadi imammu. Aku hanya ingin menemanimu, tak hanya di dunia ini, Insha Allah hingga akhirat nanti.
  Lamaranku yang ditolak, tidak membuatku putus asa memilikimu. Rasa itu semakin menggebu-gebu bukan kerana kecantikan wajahmu yang berhasil meluluhkan hatiku. Namun kecantikan hatimu yang belum aku temukan. Semoga penilaianku tentangmu tidak berlebihan. Penilaian ini aku buat, bukan untuk merayumu, agar kamu mahu menjadi isteriku melainkan sebagai wujud kekagumanku atas karya ciptaan Allah, yang telah mengenalkanku denganmu.
    Dania, setelah pulang menimba ilmu di Mesir aku akan melamarmu kembali, tunggulah kehadiranku. Aku berharap lamaranku yang kedua beiring redha Allah dan kita sah menjadi suami-isteri, menjadi imam dan makmum yang saling berlumba meraih restu illahi!                  
-Faruq Zaein-

Aku akui, sememangnya bukan semua orang tertulis takdirnya untuk bertemu dengan pasangannya yang telah ditentukan dalam Lauh Mahfuz itu indah dan mudah. Ada yang berkali putus cinta dan kecewa yang pada awalnya menyangka perhubungan itu kekal sehingga diakad nikahkan, tanpa diduga putus dipertengahan. Ada juga yang bercinta jarak jauh 3-5 tahun lamanya, siapa sangka jodohnya adalah sahabat baik yang setia bersama susah dan senang. Beruntunglah sekiranya sudah ditetapkan olehNya bahawa cinta pertamanya adalah jodoh untuknya. Barakallah! Allah mempunya rahsia yang besar yang Dia tentukan untuk hamba-hambaNya. Sesungguhnya, Dialah Maha Mengetahui akan semua perkara. Dia memberi apa yang hambaNya lebih perlukan bukan yang hambaNya minta.

Kenapa perlu bersedih wahai hati sekiranya jodoh yang ditetapkan untukmu tiba lewat?
Bukankah orang-orang yang bersabar itu telah dijanjikan oleh Allah besar ganjarannya...
Allah telah menetapkan sesuatu yang lebih baik setimpal dengan kesabaran hambaNYa untuk jodohnya,
Mungkin masa itu tiba lewat supaya kita dapat memperbaiki kelemahan diri kita,
Mungkin masa itu tiba lewat untuk pasangan kita juga memperbaiki diri mereka untuk menjadi yang terbaik utuk kita,
Mungkin masa itu tiba lewat untuk kita lebih kenali Allah dan diri kita,
Kehidupan di Bumi Allah itu ternyata indah perjalanannya sekiranya kita betul-betul cinta pada Allah,
Sesungguhnya cinta Allah itu lebih azali haknya dan tidak pernah mengecewakan hamba-hambaNya.
Allah itu Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani zatnya.
..."dan ingatlah bahawa tidak pernah Allah turunkan sesuatu ujian itu diluar kemampuan hamba-hambaNYa"
Semoga Allah pelihara hati, perasaan dan diri ini untuk orang yang benar-benar berhak ke atas hambamu ini. Insha Allah, kita sama-sama perbaiki diri kita dan istiqamah dalam melakukan perubahan yang baik kerana Allah Taala.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Exquisite way Of Affection

I have this precious friend of mine,
One of the good that I can't keep losing,
The one that gave me some valuable experience in life,
In  a way to learn the journey of my life heading to,
Unexpectedly being able to open my heart for him,
Accepted him for the way he was,
Without conscious, freely, willingly to share and care,
In return doing it with no doubt to put an expectation,
For this relationship would lead to,
All I know,
This pure feeling always bestowed as a gift,
From the Almighty Allah SWT,
Thank you to let me feel and experienced it,
Though, both of us might not meant to be destined together,
Indeed, Allah you know the best for us,
The secret lies behind it always intriguing and beautiful,
Thus, I put all my heart and soul to you, Allah!
Please accept me as one of your lover,
So that, I will become a better person,
before the right time and the right person to come,
to claim that he is the true owner of the left ribs of mine,
I will be lenient, Insha Allah!

This precious friend of mine,
He seems to have a hard time now,
Rather than be busy and stress with his research and part time income,
As he is a hardworking, diligent, highly motivated guy and always give the best shot,
This kind of things will never be difficulty for him,
That side of him which I respected the most,
But deep down inside,
The tiredness and restlessness showed in face told me otherwise,
Just looking at him that way somehow hurt my feeling,
The feel like he was hurting himself,
I wish I could help and share the burden that he carried around in his mind,
So at least, it could lighten it and put him in ease,
As a friend, I just can't ignore the situation he have been through,
I know that he was too decisive and serious about something,
Something that not randomly to share with anyone,
Something that determine his future life with someone,
I know he want to give the best impression in front of this someone when they meet up,
To look good and best in many ways,
May be he was thinking deeply on this matter that he shouldn't at the 1st place,
To reach the expectation of someone,
Without realize, he was loosing his trueself,
The simple truth is if someone like you or otherwise,
He/She will accepted the way you are including your flaws,
Indeed, everyone wanna look good in front of the person he/she like,
but never lose your true-self and become another person.
to make up to the expectation.

To my dear precious friend of mine,
You are already shine the way you are,
People like you because you are being you all the time,
Not pretending, stand and be true what you are thinking and believe,
Didn't care less about people judging about you,
The way you smile, it came from the bottom of your heart,
Pure, genuine and sincere,
That's the charming part of you,
Though, your heart looked tough,
but I know you are a little sensitive guy,
you always forget and never dragged the sensitive issue far,
You manage to get back to the real you briskly,
That is you that I know,
which make you even cuter in a way,
You might not realize this,
but the people close and stick around you know well of you.

Though I cannot reach my heart and hand towards you,
Helping you in handy passing through your hard time,
Like I always do is pray that your mind, heart and soul will come in peace,
So that, everything you work out come clean and ease as you wish,
Visually, you might think that I don't even aware of your circumstances,
Truly I did,
but I know you can handle it very well, dear buddy!
If you can't manage it, you know where to find me.

When I cared for someone (my family and dear friends),
It didn't need me to stick around them and asked how you being doing all the time,
It's enough for me to see from a far how they being doing,
Because I am a person with a big hearts,
My hearts was tender and soft,
That's why I can't show off my affectionate towards people randomly,
I don't want what I feel being caught easily,
I live a simple life and I am not selfish,
What make people I cared happy,
That is my happiness,
 and That's is the way how I show my affection,
Exquisite yet mysterious!

"The best love is the one that makes you a better person, 
without changing you into someone other than yourself"

Monday, March 4, 2013

Big Steps

Assalammualaikum and happy monday, peeps!

A few days back,
I have put a lots of thoughts and consideration on "something",
My intuition urged me to do so,
That "something" is definitely gonna change my life,
"Something" that I never experience before,
Which need me to take the risks,
and whatever the outcomes that may strike,
I will accept and be prepared,
coz the most matter is I treasured and valued in this "something"!
For this "something",
I have to take a big steps,
the very big one in my life,
So, in the end of the day, I will not regret!
It might be heart-broking or it might be a good start of this "something",

I am grateful to have a lots of trustworthy people,
that sincerely give words of advice and keep supporting,
Stayed behind me working on this big mission of "something',
I feel blessed,
Thank you, guys!

Though we can see the way to work on this 'something',
but no matter big efforts they are,
Allah knows the best,
HE know the secret behind all this,
Thus, for every efforts I put on this "something",
I rely them on HIM whole-heartedly,
Coz it's beyond my power to predict what the future holds,
If it is the best way for me,
I utmost believe that HE will guide me well and make it easier for us!

I am waiting for the day of doing "something",
Hoping for it going smoothly follow Allah's will,
No matter hard the results will be,
Just accepted it with my heart content,
coz Allah is the Great and Mighty Planner,
I pray that Allah will show and guide me the way,
and now I found inner peace,
Wishing the plan on doing "something"
was not taken solely and emotionally,,
So, I persist to go for it,
As long as I feel relieved,
and no regret at the end of the day,
If we meant to be as we are now,
Just be it and that was the beauty of the life,
I just want to see we are all happy!

"Please pray for me for this big step on this "something"!

 I strongly believed that every sincere relationship, it was not meant to make it difficult but ease!

Stay strong and happy, peeps!

p/s: Please pray for the Lahad Datu's citizen safety. Salam takziah buat keluarga pejuang-pejuang yang terkorban. Jangan mengeruhkan lagi kesedihan keluarga si arwah dengan mempolitikkan isu Lahad Datu. It's not even helping to solve the issues, though! Be wise, people.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Hair Facial

Assalammualaikum and Good Friday, peeps!

There a time, when my minds get complicated with stuffy stuffs,
I will trimmed and cut my hair..

There was a feeling,
When I cut my hair,
for every strand of hairs that being cut,
together with the stuffy stuffs also being cut..
and my head seem to be lighten than before
no more stuffy stuffs in my head now
and I become the normal me again!

Usually I would do the cutting on my own
but for today, my friend recommended us a place for hair cut, facial and treatment special for Muslimah only!
We went there, the place that called Nuris Hair and Beauty Saloon in Serdang. Next to Padang food court!
The hair stylist was friendly and genorous to share tips about hairs with us. She has many years being the hairstylist and the place was in operation for 4 years. They already have many regular customers who satiesfid with their services.

I do a hair cut, facial and treatment for RM45, reasonable and affordable!

Whom interested can called Mdm Nor (016-302 2297)

or visit 3335A, Tingkat 1, Jalan 18/32, Taman Seri Serdang.

Feel like a kid again @ Legoland Malaysia!

Assalammualaikum and happy school holiday, budak-budak!

On 14th Feb, my friend (Mr. G) and I visited Legoland Malaysia. We supposed to visit it with my family but due some management misunderstanding, only two of us manage to get the pass on that date while the other family members' pass will be postponed to other date. You can either book or buy online or walk-in tickets or Legoland Annual Pass also available. For more details, please visit Legoland Malaysia

Many kids would love and enjoy visit here because they provide many indoors and outdoors' activities where the adult might find it less thrill being here compare to USS in Singapore and Genting Highland. But the way they constructed the lego into building, features and figures should be credited!

6 main parks are available for visit:

1) Lego Kingdoms
-The Forestmen's Hideout
-Dragon's Apprentice
-The Dragon (roller coaster)
-Knight's Feast
-Castle Stage
-Royal Joust
-Merlin's Challenge
-Castle Games

2) Imagination
-Kid Power Tower
-Build and Test
-Observation Tower (you can ride on the top to see the view from above)
-Lego Studios (4D cinema)
-Pizza Mania
-Musical Fountain
-DUPLO Playtown

3) Land of Adventure
-Lost Kingdom Adventure
-Beetle Bounce
-Adventure Games
-Dino Island (thrilling boat ride)
-Pharaoh's Revenge

4) Lego City
-Lego Rescue Academy
-Lego City Airport
-Lego City Stage (particular time for visit to see the performance)
-Snack Bar
-Basketball Games
-Boating School (boat-ride-on)
-Driving School and Junior Driving School (Kids manage to get the license for every passed test drive)
-The Shipyard
-Legoland Express (train ride in Miniland)

5) Miniland
(Famous building in Malaysia and Asia constructed using Lego)

6) Lego Technic
-Technic Twister
-AQUAZONE Wave Racers
-Project X
-Lego Mindstorms
-Lego Academy

The Entrance of Legoland Malaysia

Ride on train in Legoland Express
Pic maniac
Models for the Legoland's raincoat. Kawaii!

 Some pictures of the parks

1) visit during public or school holidays or weekend. Long queue for some indoor's and outdoors' activities
2) visit on the rainy day (Most of the outdoor's activities like roller coaster ride, train ride will be close temporary)

Bring over your drinks and foods from home (the price double if you buys in here)    

Please do a visit here to support them!
"Have fun, guys"

The 3 of us!

Assalammualaikum dan salam sejahtera, peeps!

Here, the story about 3 of us begin...

We do knew each other during our bachelor degree study! We are coursemates. But we came form different girls' bunches. Tau-tau jek la kan, girl ni ada geng-geng, eg: set-set utara la, dak-dak johor la and so on. Budak-budak laki kosmet kteowg pelik, kenapa girls suka jalan-jalan and do everything in group! My jaw was like crumpled down sebab:

1) Ada dikalangan guys from our coursemates ni gender discriminate. Not all. No offense to other guys out there. Dowg kata yang girls ni puak-puak la, tak sepakat la, muafakat la. Bila ada nak event coursemate, yang girls' contribution much easier compare to the guys. Dowg tak sporting, duduk pun sama-sama geng. So, nampak tak kat situ sape yang gender discriminate? Orang-orang macam ni harus dibuang planet je, kuman bawah tapak kaki nampak, gajah depan mata tak nampak.

2) Girls ni memang kena jalan berjemaah, bahaya jalan sowg2 sebab kteowg kan mahluk yang lemah ditakuti ada mahluk yang bertopengkan manusia ni ambil kesempatan. Lagi satu, girl kalau jalan sowg, yang guys tak gentle ni berani pula mengushar. Tackle sowg2 tak pe la, ni tackle berjemaah. Apa, kowg ingat kteowg ni anak kucing?

3) Girls memang sifat semula jadi mereka kalau buat sesuatu tu suka berkongsi. Kerja ke assignment ke semua kalau dah split tugas senang siap. Tapi tau tak, kaum2 adam suka mengutuk tu juga la selalu nak pinjam assignment girls ni kalau tak siap. Nasib baik, member2 lelaki aku tak mcm tu sebab aku stok-stok buat assignment last minute, so dowg tak de peluang la nak pinjam. Haha!

Okay ni la pic kami bertiga. From left: Nor Azlina Md Zin, aku a.k.a M and Afifah Abdullah

Kisah awal perkenanlan dengan Nor Azlina Md. Zin a.k.a. Ina Soghomban

1st time aku jumpa dia aku ingat dia ni budak satu matrik ngan aku. Masa kitewog jd junior 1st year dulu, dia banyak join sukan kolej aku. Muka selamba dunno dia tu la menarik perhatian aku walaupun pada luarannya dia nampak pendiam. So, aku approached dia and aku tanya (macam aku nak ngorat dia la plak kan, hahaha) dulu Matrikulasi Gambang ke? Rupanya aku silap orang la pulak, dia budak Matrikulasi Perak rupanya. Takpe, aku memang tak malu. Malu tanya sosek jalan!
Ina ni geng dengan budak-budak lembut and ayu-ayu (yang kalau cakap pun halus jek suaranya, kalau gelak tutup mulut). Ramai yang konpius macam mana dia leh tersesat dalam geng tu. Selama beberapa tahun geng dengan dowg pun, ingatkan adalah sikit kelembuatan or keayuan tu meresap kat dia. Hurm, haram! Kiranya, kalau dalam geng tu dia taiko besar la. Haha. Masa finishing school, kteowg satu kumpulan. Aku ingat lagi masa tu ktewog ada mock interview. So, masa Ina di'interview', satu jawapan Ina yang aku ingat sampai sekarang ialah, "Women can do it!" dengan semangat, aku pun tak ingat dah soalan interviewer tu. Nak dipendekkan cerita, pengenalan aku ngan Ina ni berkesinambungan lepas abes degree dimana aku terus register jadi student postgraduates dan Ina jadi RA kepada supervisor Final Year Project dia. FYI, Ina extent 1 sem due to her injury when she represented her college in Intercollege Softball in our 3rd year. Kami jd roomate dengan member sowg lagi selama beberapa bulan dimana kami digelar geng nyamuk sebab setiap malam kteowg akan terjaga bunuh nyamuk beramai-ramai. Kalau dinding bilik orang lain warna putih, dinding bilik kteowg abstrak coreng-coreng kaler hitam and merah. Sungguh artistik. Pastu, Ina dapat offer jadi AO kat Risda Ampang. So, di situlah life and hala tuju masing-masing berubah.

Pic kat atas ni was taken in the IOI's Mall toilet. Memang dah jadi tradisi, kalau kteowg keluar, pic kat toilet ni dah menjadi kewajipan. That was Pipah and Me.

Kisah awal perkenanalan dengan Afifah Abdullah a.k.a Pipah

Waktu degree dulu aku tak berapa close dengan dia. Kebanyakan member dalam geng dia orang Utara (Kedah and Penang) so, kteowg gelarkan geng dia set-set Utara Besar sebab ada lagi yang geng-geng Utara lain (bilangan member dia kecil sikit and ayu). Geng dia memang ramai and dowg ni kebanyakan loud-type-girls la. Memang riuh sekampung kalau ada dowg ni, pening! Kalau nak tau gosip-gosip kosmet, dowg la informal dia. Dulu aku pernah join Kelanasiswa setahun, Pipah pun join. Tapi aku ngan dia tak pernah buat aktiviti Kelanasiswa sama-sama sebab aku ni ahli yang 'rajin' nak datang meeting Sabtu. Frankly speaking, masa awal-awal impression aku kat Pipah tak berapa baik sebab muka dia garang and macam sombong. Memandangkan roomate aku dulu, geng ngan dia secara tak langsung aku ngan dia selalu bump into each other la. But when you get to know her, she was nice, a little bit sensitive and blurred fella somehow! Cut it short, after degree dia pun jadi RA. Dah duduk sama kolej kan, so kteowg end up to get close. But then, she also left for the offer where she was recruited as a AO in DOA Putrajaya.

Aku pulak komplikated sikit sebab aku ni jenis easy-going. Senang cakap kalau aku kena hantar kat mana-mana pun aku boleh survive. Aku bergaul dengan semua orang. Inflisitnya, aku ada 2 geng. Geng campur and geng girls. Geng campur aku ni ada lelaki-lelaki and perempuan, that's why aku panggil geng mix. Macam mana kteowg leh end up together pon adalah sangat komplikated. Sesungguhnya hidup ni penuh dengan kebetulan yang memelikkan. Itu adalah sebab aku selalu jadi perantaraan kalau ada aktiviti kosmet. So, pelik la kalau budak-budak kosmet tak kenal ngan aku. Geng girls aku pulak kebetulan semua orang Johor. Actually ada satu lagi geng girls coming from Johor jugak. Tapi memandangkan apa-apa pun 2 geng ni selalu end up together kalau kena form group. So, tak la disctinct sangat split between 2 geng ni. Geng Johor ni quite feymes la sebab semuanya gila-gila, outspoken, very independence and leh tahan ganas walaupun kteowg cute! Haha

This is what we called a friend, ready to get the punch! Hehe..

We coming from the different gang, different background, different history but we can still build the friendship bridge between 3 of us and it lasting until now! Once a month or two month, we get to catch up with each other updates about ourselves. Before we went to different path, our life was so perfect without any worries of life ahead us and it was joyful. We shared sorrow and happiness together, to understand and to be understood! That's the beauty of every friendship that we valued and treasured them most!

My dear Ina and Pipah

Don't walk behind me, I may not lead,
Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow,
Just walk beside me and be my friend,

coz I find it better to walk with u guys in the dark rather than walking alone in the light
I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for the handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joys,
You, friend! make life a lot more fun!
Thanks for being a true friend who is always there for me when you would be anywhere else!
Lots of love to you both!

" Be slow to fall into friendship, but when thou art in, continue firm and constant!"

Thoughts: Truly sorry if you find me being too mean and selfish, guys!

Natural is the best!

Assalammualaikum dan salam sejahtera, beauties!

Aku sememangnya adalah manusia yang suka pada benda-benda yang tampak cantik. Phewiiit! Eh silap, Subhanallah (dapat pahala ye dok)! Untuk jadi cantik, manusia sanggup buat apa saja eg: mengamalkan petua orang-orang dulu, menghabiskan duit untuk beli produk kulit yang mahal-mahal, make up nipis atau tebal seinci dan ada yang sanggup menanggung kesakitan dengan melakukan pembedahan plastik. All the efforts should be credited tapi jangan sampai meranakan diri sendiri pulak. Allah dah menciptakan sesuatu itu dengan sebaik-baik kejadian. Tak semestinya hidung tak berapa nak mancung tu tak cantik, comel apa dipadankan dengan bibir yang munggil dan pipi yang gebu. Siapa kata mata sepet tak cantik, nampak sweet jek kalau dipadankan dengan alis yang nipis dan hidung yang separa mancung (kalau pakai spek lagi terserlah intelligentnya macam Matlutfi ). Pokok pangkalnya, "Beauty is the eye of the beholder". 

Rata-rata kalau yang perempuan ni memang tak leh dipisahkan dengan make-up untuk tampil cantik. Kadang-kadang tu foundation+bedak ditempel seinci hilang semua parut-parut jearwat, belum ditambah lagi dengan blusher kaler merah darah+eye shadow ala-ala gothic gitu. Dari jauh, pergh mmg nampak cun and flawless la tapi dekat, mak ai dah macam badut sarkis la plak. Sorry ladies, no offense! Actually, make-up nipis sudah mampu menyerlahkan kecantikan kita. Tunggak utama yang menampakkan kecantikan diri kita adalah personaliti dalaman dan keyakinan diri kita. That's why sometimes kita nampak seorang lady A ni cun (put on make-up, dress-up sexy+ body figure superb la) and the other lady B muka sedap la mata memandang and pakaian pon tak menampakkan keseksian tapi pandangan kita lebih tertarik pada lady B compare ngan lady A. Definitely, realitinya lady A lebih hot tapi lady B lebih appeal penampilannya. This is what we called "sex appeal". Sex appeal define as the ability to excite or interest others, as appearance, style or charm. Tak semua dari kita ada kebolehan ni. But for the lady here the tips to polish your sex appeal:

1) Maintain a little mystery. Keep people guessing! Don't give away every single detail about yourself right away. People ni macam puzzle, they will more interested in you for who you are and what you're doing if they don't know everything! Thinks about what makes u unique, and find the subtle ways to reference it without giving too much way.

2) Exude your confidence. Give off impression that you don't need other people to tell you're attractive, becoz u already know it. Keep your posture upright, raised your chin and walk purposeful. When you communicates, make strong eye contacts that you are self-assured, and draws people in.

3) Keep a full calender. Don't just spend time think about others might think, hell to that! Keep your life interesting! Socialize, keep up with your hobbies and try new experiences. You'll feel more confident, and other people will be more attracted to you as a result. 

4) Stay aloof from pettiness. Don't stoop to petty gossips (esp about the other girls). You're above all that. If someone interested in you, take the rejection calmly without making any fuss. This show how mature you handle it.

Not everyone will find you appealing. So what? Come on, just keep being the pleasant, divine and wonderful you are, and leave the negaholics (-ve perception) to fight their own battles.

Ohoo, who said minah rege macam aku tak reti put-on make up? Kita pandai make-up la awak, tapi indoor jek la sebab kita rasa serabut la kalau banyak bende calit-calit kat muka kita. It long a few minutes jek, pastu aku padam semua balik, hahaha. Apa ingat kecik-kecik jek leh main masak-masak? Bila dah besar kita main la make-up make-up!

My guys member selalu advice aku jangan put-on make up sangat, nanti tak lawa. My jaw jatuh lagi. Hello, macam la dowg pernah tengok aku put-on make up. Kalau dowg nampak aku put-on make up sure dowg gigit jari kot, ahahha! Guys memang camtu, pelik. Adik perempuan and kawan rapat perempuan dia, dia akan ceramah besar tak bagi put-on make up (sure ni mesti sebab takut sangkut la tuh) tapi kalau awek cun make up macam Tyra Banks bukan main lagi mata dia tak berkedip 30 saat sambil mulut ternganga keluar air liur sebakul pun tak perasan. Rasa macam nak hampuk je kepala dowg sekor-sekor. 

Aku sangat admirekan kecantikan Fazura yang jadi duta produk NUTOX tu. Aku pernah accidentally met her live without make up or might be cream asas nipis jek tapi muka dia flawless la. So, memandangkan aku nak kulit macam dia, so aku sangkeng try on produk NUTOX! Sebab aku dah malas nak letak apa-apa kat muka aku kalau aku keluar jalan. Rimas iolls! Kalau nak pakai pon, just apply BB cream SimplySiti jek (ada moisturizer and UV protection).

1) NUTOX BNest Trinity Radiance Cleasing Gel, 150mL (sebelah kanan) RM 25++
- menghidratkan, membersihkan kulit dan mengecilkan liang pori
-menganjalkan kulit tanpa rasa kekeringan
- sesuai untuk semua jenis kulit

Testi after 1 week usage- Selepas membasuh muka, terasa muka halus dan licin. Untuk kesan yang lebih baik, sila pakai toner untuk mengecilkan liang pori anda.

2) NUTOX Oxyfusion Supernatural Night Repair, 30mL (sebelak kiri) RM 49++

- melembap, mencerahkan dan menggelupaskan kulit secara lembut
- mengembalikan proses keremajaan kulit semasa tidur
-membantu mengurangkan kulit kasar
-sesuai untuk semua jenis kulit

Testi after 1 week usage- Memandangkan aku jenis kulit kering, bila bangun tidur, kelembapan pada kulit masih preserve. Mengeringkan jerawat dengan cepat (semalaman sebab this cream apply masa nak tidur jek tau).

Memandangkan aku dalam field research, so aku memang suke meng'eksperimentasi'kan diri aku untuk hasilnya.

Eksperimen: Tak cuci muka sebelum tidur. 3 pemboleh ubah yang bersandar: a) pakai BB cream SimplySiti ;b) pakai NUTOX Oxyfusion Night Repair; c) pakai fair and lovely+bedak asas.

Result- Bila bangun bagi pemakaian a) dan b) masih memelihara kelembapan kulit dan nampak halus. Pemakain c) menyebabkan tekstur kulit berminyak dan berjeragat.

Then kalau tidur make sure padamkan lampu, kalau takut bergelap, pasangkan lampu meja sahaja. Sebab masa kita tidur dalam gelap ada hormon yang release dalam 5 jam baik untuk kulit dimana dia akan induce collegen kulit kita. Sebab tu kulit baby ketika mula-mula dilahirkan halus dan cantik. Ini disebabkan dalam perut ibu kan gelap, ada hormon ibu yang release baik utk kulit bayi. 

" Kecantikan luaran hanya semetara. Lahirkan dari kecantikan dalaman kamu iaitu bermula dari hati yang bersih"

p/s: untuk bakal-bakal suami kat luar tu, kalau nak memilih calon bini make sure pernah tengok muka calon bini kowg tanpa make-up tau. Takut nanti kowg bangun-bangun tidur, kowg ingat kowg tidur dengan salah orang, padahal bini sendiri. LOLz! Sesungguhnya, aku suka tengok muka aku kat cermin bila bangun tidur,