Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Joshua and his New Hidden Talent #1

Assalammualaikum and happy lunch, peeps!

Too many things to write but seemingly my mind substantially spoke much faster than my hand can type. So, for the time being let's keep all the stories back in my mind and store whilst the capacity space still available.  I wanna show you guys what Joshua is up to nowadays! Staying in a small room with me, his moves quite limited! And now I am quite busy doing my stuff (lab works, writings, preparing for tuition, playing games, watching movies-RunningMan, School 2013 and Flower Boy Next Door and so on) that owing to spend less time and attention to Joshua. He keeps on whining a lots too. Always keep waiting for me to comeback in front of the door hoping when I opened the door, he could step up outside the room. Yeah, most of the time, I let him to be at outside bcoz I know the feeling being slumped in the small room. 

One day, when I was on my way headed to my lab, I pay to look into my room from below. Shockingly, Joshua was on the top of my missing slid window with his head showing outside. It caused my heart stop pumping for a second! I have to turned back my car and watching him from below (heart throbbing) and wished he wont falling down from that height. After a few minutes observed, he seemed fine up there and gripped upon the window stable, I feel relieved and continued my destination. It's now become my habit to watch my room from below before I went outside the college and there was one afternoon I was approached by one girl asking me, "is that your cat?". I nodded. She jokingly continued, "This is the second time, I found him to commit suicide trial jumping from that height". I jokingly replied, "he have a good time chatting with his buddies, Birdie up there!", and we smiled. Joshua o Joshua. 

Above are a few of shots captured while he tried to have a communications with his little friend, Mr. Birdie while I was in the room doing my stuff. Sometimes, his actions make me trembled when I started to imagine the window might be broken and caused him injured or falling down. I moved fast to took him down and caged him in the boarding cage. There was a funny part, when his tummy stuck when he tried to turn himself to get down on the room where I need to rescue him. LoLz! 

I feel entertaining just by being observant of Joshua's doing. He really a smart cat, having a skill to think like human which I almost forgot that he was a cat where I didn't treat like one. I feel he was more like my close buddy or accompany than a pet. I had him under my care about three months already. I didn't notice that he grew bigger too fast until I realized he gained weight when I felt my hand muscle was worn out after carrying him up and down (taking him to drive to see the outside world was him favorable moments). Now, I have to put him inside the bag. 

 Cute part, he try to peek out the bag while I was carrying him along the way to the car park. He actually having fun in there. Hello, you Mr. Pussy in the bag!

Okay, that for the time being! See you in the next entry! Take to to have fun watching cool thing around you and don't take life too serious. We live one a lifetime. Enjoy and value the moment you ride in it! 

Peace and happy, all!

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