Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Drawing is part of my life

Assalammualaikum and happy spending your earnings, peeps!

Wah, untunglah orang-orang berkerja, ni kan waktu pay-day! Duit keluar dari bank mesti kepuk-kepuk punya. Plus, Perdana Menteri kita plak baru jek bentangkan BAJET 2013 and we knew already positive and negative  responses and the feedbacks from government and non-government worker. The issues being a hot topic lasting for 3 days. I don't have the rights to say more but as a concerned-citizen, the rise and reduction of the allocations will affect our economics-cycle (either pro and con) which the reason behinds all this to make it balance and stable for a long period of time. Don't be too dispute nor excited about the BAJET. All we need to do now is "working as what you being paid". Some just been too irresponsible and care-less about their job, all they did end of the month they being paid for nothing! NOTHING! It happened in our community. I didn't specifically refer to anyone, but if you feel offended, accept my apology! Your integrity play important part here. Your commitments and hard-works indirectly give contributions in our economic stability. Be a smart and responsible citizen, people!

Haha, seems like I am talking like a good citizen. Well, I am trying too contribute something soon to our country. Although, I am full time graduate-student which is sponsored by Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi, I worked as a part-time tutor either at home or tuition centre. I love teaching since young that's is why I want to be a lecturer+reseacher+consultant. At first, it's all about money, but then the money not become the issue. It was my passionate to help young people in their studies. It's feel like a satisfaction when what I taught being understood by them and the student and family appreciations and experiences are much more greater value compared to the pay I've been received. I do hope this is the beginning of my contribution to my nation and country and I will be a great educator onwards.

Actually, this is what I did when I asked my students to answer the question papers, left me hanging (boring). If many students like in the classroom occupied by 30++, it's still enjoyable watching their behavior and attitude during test. But what did u expected, there was only 4-10 students (stok-stok baik +dengar kata), it's no thrill and fun watching them answering the paper. Thus, I sketched something that crossed to my mind. I still remembered since I was young if the teacher asking about your hobby, drawing would always in my list. When you drawing, you  senses tend to focused with your mind. You will find the inner peace while you drawing and you trained to keep yourself thinking and imagining things! It's the secret to keep you young and ageless. No pain to be endure and no money will be charge to keep you young. Just don't stop thinking and imagine. LOL!

 I used what I have that time to sketch. Kalau ader arang pon jalan.

 Sempat lagi quoted something for the picture.

I love hand-making cute stuff during my free-time using available material in my room. 
Eg: I'm making this card below decorated using the preserved Crysanthemum flower petals from Cameron Highland gave by Mr. G as a reminiscence from him and I give-away this cute laminated cards to my dear friends!

Okay, happy spending a great time!!

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