Thursday, October 18, 2012

Congratulation on your Graduation day!!

Assalammualaikum and happy Tuesday, peeps!

Oct is the month of GRADUATION DAY in many public or private Institution especially for the local fresh graduate students. Thus, I want to take this opportunity to congratulate our sisters and brothers who just or will pursuing their Sijil, Bachelor Degree, Master Degree and Doctor of Philosophy on their graduation day this year. You guys did great after all the hardships you have been through. What u left behind are the memories those time back but you bring along the valuable knowledge and experience you gained throughout your life!

Last Sunday, 14th Oct 2012 was my little sister graduation's day. Finally, her efforts and hard works that she put in all those 4 years in her Bachelor Degree Chemical Polymer have been paid with a scroll of certificate and a dean medal (berat wooo!! jual kat tukang emas laku kot..ngeh..ngeh..ngeh). And it's already 1 month ++ she's been employed by Petronas as an engineer in Pethlin Kerteh, Terengganu (jd org ganu mg, hihihi). Although, she has been offer by her lecturer to further her study in pHD (jump trus like her sister too, hehhe) since she has an outstanding CGPA but she has turned it down to let her sister finished her pHD 1st and gained experience in working field as engineer b4 continue with her plan to be long term dream job as a lecturer. So thoughtful she is, isn't. Love u, dear sis!

So, here's my wishes for your success:

Congratulations! Well Done! 
Your brilliant days have begun,
You are on the road of success,
and you are on the way to progress,
Your efforts have been crowned, 
success you have now found,
Many more will come,
Hope you will strong enough,
and you deserve to go very high.

Pagi-pagi my dad kejut bangun swuh siap on behalf my mum masuk hall since my mum not fully recover form her sickness. Dengan balik x prepare baju formal, nasib baik my mum ada baju kurung yang leh fit width and my height (mmg keje gila tul). 

Wah, maroon jugak robe UTM ek, sama la cm UPM nye. Aiceh, dah cukup bergaya la tuh? hehehe

Sempat lagi my dad curi-curi snap gambar kteowg gune video kamera setting jek (mesti ayah bermonolog yang anak-anak dara dia ni cam-whore, hahaha)

"check pose cantek x?" 

"why so serious?" (muncung mmg tak leh belah kan M)
Comel kan akak baju biru tu betulkan robe adik die. Kowg ader kakak cmtuh? (smbil wat kening double jerk)

Hah, ni baru bukan snap curi-curi. My dad mmg tak suke bergambar mcm anak-anak dia ni. Kalau bergambar pun mesti masam (pakai susuk la tuh, kidding!). Neway, tak nampak cm bini muda ayah aku kan. Siot tul akak aku dia ckp, " abes la ko. Mesti org ingat ko bini muda ayah...". Rasa cam back kick jek kat akak aku. Mana ada bini muda pakai beg polkadot, jam digital PUMA and siap bawak headphone sangkut kat beg lagi. Haha, mmg awkward pon masuk hall sbb org tengok atas bawah, al-maklumlah yang masuk hall bese parent. Mana x tkjut orang dalam hall budak-budak x matured tetibe jd parent kan. ~_^

Fortunately, dapat seat dekat ngan my sis nyer seat. Ungtunglah, leh capture pic dia byk2. Malu tau I kene bangun expose2 tangkap gambar dia. Kantoi ngan budak kosmet dia yang aku ni kakak dia. Mana xnya dok panggil, "kak ngah..kak ngah". Baru nak pancing sowg anak ikan, hahaha (gilo). Bosan wo menunggu dowg g atas stage amek scroll. Barulah aku paham perasaan parent aku pada ketika akak aku dan aku masa dowg attend konvo ktewog past few years back. Peliknya, masa aku kat dewan konvo tak der plak bosan. Al-maklumlah, excited nak naik stage amek scroll. 4 years for a scroll, dengar cam tak berbaloi jek kan, hahaha (org yang conservative jek fikir camtuh)

Yeah, finally dapat gak bau udara segar kat luar walaupun tengah terik. Actually, tengah tunggu my mum, sis, bro-in-law and pakwe  adik aku untuk snap pic. Siap booking cameraman semata-mata nak cap pic konvo dia ni tau. Tapi pic dalam entri ni sume dari sumber video-cam and hp kamera jek. 


"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet"

"It is not enough to have a good mind, the main thing is to use it well"

Happy Graduation Day, people!

Sajek menggedik nak letak gambar konvo waktu kat MRSM dulu (2nd time convocation after tadika)
  Me staying as same old days till now!

Peace and Happy!