Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Is she's crying over the bees?

Assalammualaikum and Happy Staying-up to all owlers!!

First all of, I would like to welcome to the new bachelor degree, master and phD students who just started their 1st class today and not forgotten welcome back to the new semester for the continuing bachelor degree, master and phD. Hopefully this semester you guys become wiser than the previous semester and accomplish the goals  or resolutions that you have set before you step on the UPM border. Wish u guys all the best and enjoy the journey for the next 6 month. Though your absence in college for the past 3 months brought quite a solitude  and boring surroundings but somehow it was an enjoyable moments to us who never left the college to be a partimer guard because we DO LOVE UPM and our WORK here (ayat pasrah okay) because:
 1) Kteowg tak payah beria sakan bangun awal-awal pagi sebab berebut bilik air. Walaupun ada notis pemberitahuan bahawa ketiadaan air sekian sekian hari, tetapi thanks to u guys yang holiday 3 bulan itu tiada di sini, makanya air di tangki adalah mencukupi bagi penghuni-penghuni yang ada.

2) Kteowg boleh pilih dan tukar-tukar lot parking sesuka hati tiap-tiap hari (nak double parking lot pon boleh) sepanjang 3 bulan ni

3) yang paling nikmat adalah intenet LAJU. So tak payah tunggu 12.00 tengah malam hingga ke pagi untuk tgk atau download movie/drama korea online. Bila-bila masa pon boleh stream tenet tanpa lagging. Heaven!

Hopefully, kalau la ada adik-adik degree sekalian yang terasa dengan statement di atas, don't feel offended okay coz ur senior sangat jeles yang kowg boleh bercuti 3 bulan dengan gumbira and remember that the reality is hard to digest (Amaran: don't take life too serious, u will getting old earlier).

Guys, it's already 3.56 am when I started typing this paragraph. Setelah cubaan demi cubaan untuk melelapkan mata telah dicuba namun akhirnya menemui jalan buntu. Main game dah, layan lagu lullaby pon dah, nyanyi pon dah, buat benda yang paling membosankan iaitu baca jurnal pon tak jalan, terpaksalah meng'update' entri blog yang sudah tentunya berhabuk tidak terusik. Ustaz dulu ada cakap kalau tak boleh nak tidur sebaik-baiknya buatlah solat sunat taubat dan hajat atau baca Al-Quran. Insyallah boleh terlelap pastu. Tetapi atas sebab-sebab tertentu, I have to find another options. 

Then I realized that the story of the 'girl being buzzed around by the bees' kept bothering me which caused my full awake this early morning (gosh, I need my beauty sleep!). May be, I was too inter personate (mendalami) tha poor innocent girl character hahaha. Ok, here's the story:

There was a cute innocent girl just come back from late college group discussion entered the only cabin she afford to rent which is RM75/month placed far back at the farm. She got to used to live her life like that since she came from poor family background but because of her strong desire to become a successful entrepreneur after pursuing her degree in business course, she needs to get through all this. Unfortunately, that late night she has unexpected (more likely uninvited) guest. Not one, more than 15. Definitely not human but BEES which were coming out of nowhere. Only a few buzzing around the cabin whereas the others laid on the cabin floor, some moving and some not (might be dead). The girl shivered and trembling herself as she remembered her friend died from a bee sting. If a bee sting could bring fatal to her friend, she couldn't imagine if more than one bee attacked her. In her lifetime, she never killed a life-forms thereupon a small insect because she always thought that every life deserved to live.

She was too tired and need to sleep as tomorrow she has a presentation for her course. She can't went to her friend's room college as theirs room take about 30 minute walk from her cabin and since it was late, they might be fallen asleep. At first, she just want to went to her bed without being bothered by the bees. But because of her friend's death cause of the bee sting, she's afraid that she might be dead before she pursue her bachelor degree's certificate and become a woman which had a load tonne of money. Thus, she gained her strength to hold the broom and determined to kill remain bees that still alive. One by one of the bee being killed. As from one to one bee being killed, she's crying aloud as 500 meters distance could heard her sorrow and tearful cry at the same time she begged for Allah's mercy for killing them. She's really feel guilty sorry towards the bees like she was a murderer or something. Then, she collected all the dead bees and buried them under the tree behind her cabin, prayed that the bees will rest in peace.

 The bee will not sting unless it feel threaten or sense a danger. They such cute creatures.

-end of story-

I wondered if there's still a person who never killed a life-forms in lifetime, is there? If the girl sorry for killing the bees is comparable with myself, I could agreed accept for the tearful cry. Lately at night, my room was attacked by blood thirsty creatures a.k.a MOSQUITOES. At first, I just ignored them by covering my body with blanket but they became terrorized till my face full of their no-mercy bites. I feel that action should be taken as my survival and rights as the owner of the room from being colonized by this greed and selfish creatures. Thus, I brutally killed them. But trust me, deep down inside I feel very sorry for killing them. Bianne! (say sorry in Korean).

I wondered if people have the humanitarian side in them, could there be criminal cases like killing, raping abandoning the babies, walloping, wars and etc. It reminds me with the Black eyed peas song, "Where is the love".

I hope the story of the girl with give an example for us to love and care each other. The life-form's life not laid in our hand. So stop hurting, killing and terrorized each other. Living in a happy and peaceful life might be heard as unrealistic dream but we deserve them at least in Malaysia. So, I think it wasn't too late to wish Happy 53rd Independence Day, Malaysian! May all of us be blessed!

Remarks: I felt sorry towards this special friend of mine that I suddenly get angry and felt don't want to talk with him after he confessing something that totally I shouldn't be bothered for. Sorry! Once in a month, a girl got a mood swing out of blue is normal and can be scientifically explained. Guys might be puzzled somehow but all u need is patience. Ladies' behaviour are much more complex compared to the guys. ~__^

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