Sunday, May 5, 2013

Reason to be Late!

Assalammualaikum and happy labour day, people!

I'm quite persistent in time when it come to involve with my professional life like tutoring or teaching the students. Jadi bagi aku, pemakaian jam tangan adalah SANGAT PERLU dan jatuh hukumnya wajib dimana kalau tak tepati masa DOSA (peringatan: this is applied for professional working-hours only, hehe)! Memang jam akan sentiasa terlekat kat tangan kiri aku sehingga menampakkan kesan 'sun burnt' dipergelangan (aktitiviti harian menyebabkan aku redah panas). Ada sekali tu aku tak pakai jam sebab jam aku dah tiba hayat dia nak 'keok' masa pergi mengajar, setiap minit aku tanya student aku yang pakai jam, "pukul berapa?" sampai dia pon naik muak nak jawab. Dari situ baru aku sedar bahawa memang habit aku suka tengok jam. Dan disebabkan itulah aku boleh anggar masa perjalanan dengan tepat.

Ada satu malam ni aku keluar seperti biasa untuk ke pusat tuition aku di Kajang. It was 20 minutes drive from my place to there, considering a normal 80km/h speed (many cars in road)  and usually I reached there 2-5 minutes earlier. Unfortunately, that dusk I forgot to put on my watch. So, I just drove my car at 100km/h (lebih laju dari biasa), hoping that I'll reached at the tuition centre on time. Guest what! Without considering the other uncertainties that might happened on the journey, I reached 5 minutes late at the centre. That was 1st time to punch card late. Since, I have no record of the late comer, nobody questioned me for being late (ala, it was just 5 minutes late..Cite mesti kene gempak)! Ceh, nasib baiklah aku tak pecah otak nak buat "lame excuse" to be late. Tapi, agak-agak kowg la, apa aku akan jawab kalau orang tanya aku sebab apa datang lewat?

I will answer----> "I have to come across the continuously 12 new build-up bumpers at 10km/h speed for  100 meters distance-within that slower my driving, plus I don't have watch to estimate the time that I have to take into consideration to overcome not for being late so that I can speed up!" (sorry, I am a mathematic-science-geek thus all my reason based on number and scientific explanations). Trust me guys, it wasn't a lame excuse for being late. Have u ever heard the excuse before? But it was true folks. Until now, I'm still wondering why would that build up to 12 bumpers for 100 meters distance-within in front of the school. OK may be there was tragic incidence/accident that involve the students in that school that caused them to counter measure so that the same thing won't happen for the 2nd time.

But hey, it were 12, 5 are still bearable! Rather than using the tar to build up the bumper, try to fix the potholes road other side of the road seem to be more realistic to lower the accident incidence. Well, sometime people just do things without taking consideration of other things which is more convenient and reliable. Hurm, it was saddening though!

This is the bumpers that I have to come across twice a week! OK take as a bright side, it helps me to practice me driving at the very low speed, though! HAHAHAH

Stay peace and effective, folks! ~_^

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