Sunday, February 20, 2011

Don't lost it!!

Today, i've experiencing an issue about lost. Bunyi macam serius, mmg serius pon (gigih wt muke serius smbil berkerut2 kening ni). Starting from the first move (bgn tdo), i've lost my target for today's mission (secret mission, memandangkan secret, so tak leh nk habaq la). Then, when i'm finally focus what i'm doing, i received a massage from one of my colleague, telling that another colleague of mine were lost in action. We cant reached her by phone after a lot of efforts have been taken in searching the lost track of her. 

As a close friend, i'm really concerned about the lost sight of her (mule la pikir seribu satu kebarangkalian kehilangan die). Nah, mula la aku lost focus, lost humor and lost time kept thinking of this matter (it's a normal response of human being when facing a conflict, always make thing complicated, hahha). Most probably, may be she just want to be alone or away from this student life environment (be imprisoned in somewhere gua to regain the lost guard of herself nt wanting anyone to track her down earth). Hahaa, so how many 'LOST' words i've jotted down here? (RM1 bg jwpn yang tepat).

Anyway, the entry title is more directed about losing SMILE. No matter how hard is our life, don't forget to smile, it's a therapy (a smile will gain you another 10 years of life). The harder the conflict, the more the glorious the triumph. If we obtain it too easy, we esteem too lightly. A man that can smile in trouble can gather the strength form distress and grow wiser. When you smile, it'll make you feel better about yourself, even if you feel don't like it but it always make people think better of you. 

Lately, due to study stresses and burdens, i just realized that I lost my sweet smile. Actually I haven't lost my smile at all becoz it's always right there under my  nose. I just forgot it was there and I wish it will always permanently locked up there!!

Refreshen up my memory during ol' days in my degree that bring a broad smile to myself. Those smiles that could light up your hardship days.

A transition phase while trying to adapt myself into upgrade level of student life. I believe that a smile  is nearly always inspired by the other smile. So don't just keep it if u wish to get one back from other.

 In the middle stake of life still able to create a satisfaction smile (baru lps balik field, penat2 sgt)

"A smile might be happens in a flash, but its memory could last for a lifetime. Don' ever lost it"

Just for gag: Org lain kalu senyum nmpak gigi taring sweet je tp aku senyum nmpak gigi taring cm Drakular jek sbb gigi taring dh goyang2 inul dah (360degree beb tp radius tak sampi 0.1cm)

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