Sunday, February 13, 2011

PreventioN Is bEtTer THaN CuRe

Picture above reminded me about what happened 3 days back. The scene above really reflected what i've been through. I've been shot for Tetanus vaccine. The injection is COMPULSORY for graduates student of my faculty. Haha, mula2 mmg saja jek nk mengelak amek injection tuh sbb ader Aicmophobia or Belonephobia (stok2 fobia takut jarum suntikan). Tp tak la severe mana pon, it happens bile kene suntik kat diri sendiri jek.  Cube kasi syringe tu utk cucuk kat org len, suke je (muke evil tak leh blah). 

At last, amek jugak la sbb kene paksa ngan puan lab (merangkap mummy kat lab) and pstu kene tipu lak ngan member, die ckp " amek la, sekejap je pon, tak sakit". Aku pon heret la sowg lagi member ("twin" aku, kebetulan dia baru dtg lab, haha) wat jd teman. Kata kembar, biar sama2 rase sakit. Tiba kat tmpt kejadian, we all register nama and then waiting for turn (tak ramai pon yang amek shot masa tu, mayb ramai lagi kat luar sana tu yang takut jarum kot). Sampai jek turn kiterowg, nurse tu ckp, "wah, best ni cucuk org2 berisi, saya xcited ni" (tak bley blah statement tu). Sian la nurse tu tak tau yang die berurusan ngan budak penakut jarum ni. (bermulalah scene2 yang XXX-INTERMISSION). Drama punya drama, tgk2 mmber dah siap kene suntik. Masa tgh ckp kat member, "wah, ko dah siap kene inject ke?", time tu la nurse yang excited ni inject. Die punya sting tu tak yah ckp la kan, berbisa smpai pecah la air empangan kat mata ni.

The last ime i've been shot  since i when was in form 3 (for tetanus vaccine too). This medication have to be taken 5-10 years after you received the last shot. It has to be renewed so that it can booster the vaccines to work by causing your body to produce your own antibodies against Gram +ve, obligate anaerobic bacterium Clostridium tetani. Infection generally occurs through wound contamination and often involves a cut or deep puncture wound. As the infection progresses, muscle spasms (lockjaws) develop in the jaw  and elsewhere in the body.

No wonder, we are advisable to take the shot because we have the high possibility to be exposed for this infection (lagi2 la utk org2 spesis aku yang selalu jek luke sana sini pastu tampal ngan plaster comel, haha, bjet nmpak cool la tuh). Why we have to make it complicated, it's free! You just have to endure a lil' sting pain for a few days that long lasting another 10 years. So, people out there, be concerned about your health. Your body is your own responsibility!!

Just for gag: So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health.. Think wise guys!!

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