Friday, November 25, 2016

"We had it all"

I believed every great person, there is at least one undiscover inspiring story because great things only happen to people who did great efforts. I was glad I clicked on my friend's shared status on Passion Cafe TV about Bruno Mars life that poeple dont know before he became famous. He is one of my favourite singer, he sings with his heart that make pople can feel it, every words of his song lyrics give a feeling of foreboding, he always nailed a new concept and genre of his new albums.

I try to find in the you tube about the link of his interview with Passion Cafe TV but no results on that. He and his family had experience like a homeless people, as they had no place to stay, so they live a one room building near Paradise Park, a bird zoo where his father worked. Below there is a few higlighted screenshot about the interview.






Reporter: And that what you remember about. It is not the struggle or things you didn't have, it's all the thing you had. 

Bruno: Yeah, we had it all. We had each other (family).


His life made him the way he is now. He always find the way to figure out things. So inspiring!

Then he said,
"I was built for this".

Me too thinking the same. We had it all when we are with our family. We can get through everything, ups and downs when we have family beside us, regardless by blood or not, as long as we called them family. That's the power of family bonding. I really miss my family right now. They all are now in JB except me, I had things to do 😭😭. 

Another highlight in the interview was our past make what we are now. But it depends on how people think to take their past life were? Meaning, not all people can take hardship in their past life as a good things, some might blamed their parent for being poor. That is why parenting is important to educate how the children see things. But what Bruno Mars and me see our hardship in our past life as good things that what make us today. 

You might be rich with money,
But I am happy that I am rich with wisdoms!
-smallstepgirl, Norsyalina-


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