Friday, November 16, 2012

Another 28hrs-journey madness

Assalammualaikum & happy resting, peeps!

This is the 1st entry I typed while I was on trip back to KL from JB. It was just another craziness I did where I just suddenly make up my mind to go back JB to visit my mom who was admitted to the hospital for her heart regular check up and unexpectedly she was discharged right after I reached Larkin, JB (lolz). Baru feeling2 nk overnight kt hospital sambil ushar doktor2 yg cute2. Haha, Allah selalu guarded myself from doing unnecessary thing yg memang diketahui sia-sia sifatnya. 

Well, after picked up my mom, pay n q-up for medicine, we r heading to Permas Jaya to have Ikan Bakar dishes for our lunch. Melantak x hengat dunia. Bkn ak  la tp my mom, ak teman je (wink wink). Then sampai je rumah, guling2 dpn tv sambil borak2 kosong dengan my little sister (on9 tetap on9). My dad n adik lelaki xde kt umah, kerja. Bila dh semua ada kt rumah, al-konon nk tengok bola malaysia vs hongkong (family bonding katanya), harem semua dh terbongkang tidur. Tp x rugi pn tak dapat tgk, mesti lebih byk emosi. Malaysia seri! Baik layan galaxy samsung tab 2 yg adik aku baru beli. Jeles okay, aku nak beli galaxy notes x beli2 lg, walaupun dh cukup bajet tg masih menunggu sponsorship pa-ma (gila demand kan). 

Today, sebelum balik sempat lg we all yg girls ni shopping. Kasut, perfume n ape2 la yang sempat grab. Walaupun cuti awal Muharram, my dad n lil bro xd istilah cuti, bussiness line normal la. Kalau nak bonus kena kerja lebih (Uhuks!).  Actually, the critical point that push me to write this entry while I was in bus heading back to KL adalah aku dah tersilap beli tiket bus la plak. Supposedly my bus ticket is at 5pm 15 nov and when I checked back the ticket that I was holding was 5pm 14 nov which was yesterday! Alamak, mulalah scene gelabah puyuh aku kat situ. My watch showed 4.35pm tht time and i just realized after my lil sis asking about today's date coz she also need 2 buy her ticket for tomorrow. And i quickly went to the counter, kononnya atas budi bicara boleh la refund ticket though I knew I was at fault. 

Rasa cm nk lempang pakai boxing punch je tau kt diri sendiri. RM 31 melayang. Konon beli tiket awal time holiday xd la kena smpai rm50, tapi samo yo jalan e. Adik aku tergelak je. I told her 2 keep it secret from the others especially my mom. Kalau dowg tahu konfem kene bahan punye la. Sebab dowg tahan aku balik awal. Baru nak ajak lepak makan yong taufu n ABC kt spot fevret kteowg kt Kg Melayu. Moral of the story, make sure check ypur ticket more than twice sbb aku pun dah checked right after I bought the ticket but tak tengaok plak date dia sebab aku confident cakap kat abang kaunter tu esok punya tiket. Check thoroughly because we are all human and human make mistakes. Ok malas nak bising and emo2 sebab pokok pangkalnya salah aku jugak. So, baik aku layan "Time of my life" by Cecilia Ahern jap. Novel ni dah lama beli, bacanya asyik sangkut jek. Memang kene dgn theme ak hari ni. 

 Layan, sometimes we need time of our life. So that we can back focus and utilize our time efficiently. 

Have fun and peace!

"It is not enough to have a good mind, the main thing is to use it well"

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