Saturday, February 25, 2017

A road to remember

Salam and hye hye my dear silent readers!

I used to talk a lots, and that's the way I expressed my thoughts and my heart. Then, when my life get busier, I talked less since people that I met, the radius became narrower, so I started to share and write about random and specific things in my life in social media starting with Friendster, FB, Twitter and finally IG. 

But then, when I grew up and experienced many things in my life, I found myself there is something far more significantly important than what you had around you, the road of your dunya that matter to the eternal life in your hereafter. Just then, I started to slow down updated my post status in FB and IG because I dont think not many people really care for what you did in your life. At least by doing so, I can help myself to be better me by preventing myself from being proud or addicted to popularity by having many 'likes' although my ground intention is to share. Actually, I am not slowing it down, I just stop posting any status and also removed my blog link in my IG. Actually, I wasnt slowing it down but I stopped posting any status or pictures without I realized people around my circling (beloved friends that cared for me much) started to wonder am i being fine? I feel bad for them to make them worry about me. Sorry for being self-centered without thinking about others that important to my life too. Yup, you dont live your live alone, you have others! That you need to remember.

Thanks to IG for having new application to update 24 hrs "your story", I started to update my whereabouts to share with your beloved friends. I am happy when I realized that small circle friends that I have in my life, they are the quality one. The same people that keep on viewing my story.  Always quality vs quantity. Thanks for being great one, guys! 

You can find the new IG's app (Your Story) at the top left side of the screen to view my whereabouts daily.

My blog become only one medium to write and share my thoughts and my life routine since then, so I wont forget my existence in this life and appreciate my life more  (the less we had, the better we appreciate our life), that is my happiness too because of my passion to write and share what I had in my thoughts and my heart, the true and honest one based on my perspective and point of view. 

I am more suprised that some of my friends still followed my little blog, although I have removed the link from my social media, truly appreciated it. Might be you will become part of my writings and I hope you will always become my silent readers ( i really do what i meant by silence), I dont want to notice your existence to read my blogs because I want what I write honestly come from my thoughts and heart without consideration about others. You rock 👍🏻! Yes, you.. you know who you are.

Sending my small love to my silent readers. Hoping that you guys full with love.

A Happier Life Lesson

Salam and Happy Saturday, people!

This morning, when I scrolled down the FB, then I found my FB's friend, Aunt Hafsah shared this one video by Meir Kay. Credited to both them for that sharing.

Here we go

We all have this one life to live,
A fleeting shadow amongst all that exists in this vast universe,
We have the ability to accomplish anything,
Truly anything,
If we use our time wisely.
If you spend all the energy and your time on small stuff,
You wont have time for all the really important things that matter to you,
Pay attention to the thing that are critical to your happiness,
Take care of the really important thing,
Set your priorities,
Because anything else is just a small stuff.

What the drinks represent?

It goes to show that no matter how full your life may seem to be,
There is always room for a couple of drinks with your friends ☕️


Please watch the full video 👇🏻

Remember to set the priorities that lead to your happiness ☺️

Friday, February 24, 2017

Change Specs?

Salam and hye hye gorgeous!

Lately ni ramai orang duk tegur, tukar specs baru ke? Mmg ada niat nk tukar specs baru, nak tukar style len tapi bila pergi kedai specs try out a few new different style xnampak perbezaan sgt. What for kalau tukar specs x nampak different look kan. Plus, dengan harga yang aku akan byr tu x worth enough lagi lagi kalau x rabun. Yes, u heard me, aku tak rabun. 🤗

Usually aku pakai specs sbb aku nak jaga mata since selalu tengok skrin, so biasanya aku pakai specs sebab to protect my eyes from blue light from laptop screen or other devices such as hp and so on. Sebab after finish my degree, kepala rajin pening2, so check mata kat kedai specs mmg aku xde rabun and silau pon xde cume certain time tu silau2 sikit. But then aku ternampak pasal blue tech rays protection kat pamplet kedai tu terus aku tanya pasal tu and selepas diberi briefing about that aku terus buat. Alhamdulillah, ok dah x pening2 or sakit mata bila tengok screen komputer. 

Pemakaian tujuan specs asal adalah bg tujuan protection from blue rays tp aku rajin jugak pakai bg tujuan yang lain iaitu bg tujuan bergaya and kdg2 sebab malas nk tgk orang sekeliling (?? Reason ni sebab bg aku kalau pakai specs skop penglihatan ak akan too narrow range, so kalau aku jalan pon aku menonong je 🤣, maaf ye kalau x nmpak dan tegur kowg ye).

Berbalik pada ramai yang kata aku tukar specs td buat aku keliru. First thing, what make they thought aku tukar specs and second thing, tak sangka ada they had keen observation towards me (appreciated it guys 😊). By the way, I think what make them think i changed the specs due to my face became smaller, then it makes my specs looked obviously showy in my face. I didnt realized it before until a few friends tegur my body is more fit than our last meet up, that time masa aku x pakai specs. So that is it yang aku rasa dowg fikir aku tukar new specs. 

Even my students tegur about my specs 😂😂. Then I realized, yes I am getting more fit than last month. I found my own satisfaction when I can get back into my daily routine workouts (cardio crossfit, cardio sculpting and muscle strengthening) about 45-1 hrs at least 5 times per week every morning and I can feel the effect right here. It's a great feeling. One thing i cant managed it very well are eating clean and frequently (6times/day). 

But whatever you do, you must be determined and enjoy to do for yourself. That's the way you find a great achievement and happiness too. Love yourself 😘!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Keyakinan yang Indah

Assalammualaikum, sahabat-sahabat yang dirahmati Allah.

Aku terbaca sesuatu artikel yang ditulis Hamka (Kereta Mayat) di FB tentang suatu kisah yang nk aku kongsikan pada sahabat2 sekalian.

Artikelnya seperti di bawah:

Tahukah korang? Dalam hadis bagitahu, jika orang islam tak jaga solat maka dia akan senasib dengan Firaun,Haman dan Ubay bin Khalaf.

Firaun rasanya semua kenal, raja gila kuasa yang mengaku dirinya Tuhan dan mati lemas dalam laut sewaktu kejar Nabi Musa, 

Haman pulak menteri kerja raya firaun, beliau yang bina menara tinggi untuk Firaun bunuh Tuhan selain dirinya, bila menara dah siap, Firaun terus naik atas menara tu bawak lembing dan tombak langit sehingga berdarah dan mengaku pada rakyatnya telah bunuh Tuhan Nabi Musa.

Elok sangat Firaun dan Haman masuk neraka akibat perbuatan jahat mereka, tapi Ubay bin Khalaf ni siapa? Korang kenal tak?

Nanti Pak mertua petik nama Ubay dalam dialog sewaktu makan, korang boleh bulak cerita tentang e-bay apa kejadah?

Jadi hari ni aku nak cerita tentang siapa Ubay bin Khalaf dan apa yang dia buat sehingga di ahkirat nanti beliau akan senasib dengan firaun dan haman.

Ubay ni tidak sezaman dengan firaun, beliau sezaman dengan Nabi Muhammad SAW, 

Ubay orang kafir yang kaya dan sombong, 

Alkisahnya, Sebelum Nabi berhijrah ke Madinah, Ubai bin Khalaf awal awal dah berniat nak bunuh Nabi lalu berkata kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW dengan menggunakan kata kata yang seratus peratus berunsur Syirik:

"Aku ada memelihara seekor kuda yang aku beri makan dengan cukup. Aku akan membunuh kamu dengan menunggangi kuda itu suatu hari nanti”

Semua kata katanya penuh dengan syirik!  

"Aku (Syirik!) ada (Syirik!) memelihara seekor kuda yang aku beri makan (Syirik!) dengan cukup (Syirik!). Aku akan (Syirik!) membunuh kamu (Syirik!) dengan menunggangi kuda itu suatu hari nanti. (Syirik!)"

Semua tu ayat ayat ahli neraka!

Tapi kita tengok jawapan Nabi bila bercakap dengan orang syirik, jawab Nabi:

"Insyaallah, sayalah yang akan membunuh kamu."

Bila ada perkataan “Insyaallah” maka tiada langsung unsur Sririk dalam kata kata Nabi.

Dipendekkan cerita, dalam peperangan Uhud, si Ubay ni berkeliaran di medan perang mencari Rasullullah s.a.w sambil berkata, 

"Jika Muhammad terlepas pada hari ini, tiada keselamatan lagi bagiku." 

Lalu dia pun mara ke arah Nabi s.a.w dengan niat membunuh. Para sahabat dah tak sabar nak pergi pancung kepada ubay, tapi Nabi cakap:

"Biarkan dia datang."

Bermakna Nabi nak lawan dengan Ubay ni satu lawan satu, lalu bila Si Ubay ni memecut dengan kuda bersama pedang terhununs, dan bila dah nak hampir dengan Nabi, terus Nabi ambil lembing dan baling ke arahnya, Lembing itu terkena sikit pada tepi leher Ubay dan adalah kesan terguris sedikit.
Terus Ubay bin Khalaf jatuh tergolek dari kudanya dan lari lintang-pukang sambil menjerit!

 "Muhammad telah membunuh aku!"

"Muhammad telah membunuh aku!"

"Muhammad telah membunuh aku!"

Lepas tu Ubay bin Khalaf memekik kesakitan macam lembu jantan kena sembelih. Abu Sufian ketua orang kafir siap perli Ubay bin Khalaf sebab beraksi macam pondan, luka sikit jer tapi menjerit macam lembu.

Tapi jawab Ubay bin Khalaf:  "Tahukah kamu siapa yang lukakan aku? Ini adalah perbuatan Muhammad, Sejak Muhammad berkata kepada aku di Mekah bahawa dia akan membunuh aku, aku sudah yakin bahawa aku akan mati di tangannya. Malahan aku yakin, jika setelah Muhammad berkata demikian, jika dia meludahi aku sahaja pun, pasti aku akan mati."

Lepas tu Ubay bin Khalaf sambung meraung, dan mati dalam perjalanan pulang, sehari sebelum sampai ke Mekah.

Pengajaran dari cerita ini adalah: Bagaimana Ubay bin Khalaf seorang kafir yang selalu bercakap syirik tapi cukup yakin dengan kata kata Nabi dan percaya bahawa Nabi bercakap benar tapi bila mati masuk neraka walau yakin dengan kata kata Nabi.

Macam mana tu?

Sebenarnya yakin Ubay bin Khalaf kepada Nabi adalah “Yakin melalui pengalaman” kerana menyaksikan sendiri bahawa Nabi tidak pernah bercakap bohong, dan melihat sendiri beberapa peristiwa mukjizat di Mekah. Yakin begini tak bernilai dalam Islam sebab dah tengok baru percaya.

Dalam Islam, yakin adalah kepada yang Ghaib, Beriman kepada yang Ghaib, jika nampak baru percaya itu sama macam orang kafir di neraka yang nak kembali ke dunia sebab dah nampak azab semua, jadi yakin melalui pengalaman tak bernilai di sisi Allah. Yang bernilai di sisi Allah adalah “Yakin melalui pengorbanan”.

Macam contoh peristiwa Israk mikraj, orang kafir yang percaya Nabi tak pernah cakap bohong sehingga di gelar sebagai Al amin, tapi bila Nabi bagitahu baru balik dari langit jumpa Allah, Abu jahal terus tak percaya, sebab abu jahal  “Yakin melalui pengalaman”

Tapi Abu bakar, dan semua umat islam terus percaya sebab “Yakin melalui pengorbanan”.

Jadi, pesan ulamak, semakin banyak kita korban untuk agama, maka semakin banyak yakin akan datang dalam hati, akam semakin kuat iman, dan akan semakin tinggi kefahaman agama.


Jadi, berhati hatilah agar iman kita bukan setakat “Yakin melalui pengalaman” tapi “Yakin melalui pengorbanan”.

Now you know!

Akhir kata, Semoga Allah beri kepada kita semua kefahaman agama yang baik.


Ps: Orang yang faham agama,  amalan sunnat menjadi macam wajib baginya, amalan wajib apatah lagi? Tapi orang yang tak faham agama, amalan wajib pun sambil lewa, sunat tak payah cakap, terutamanya solat, sebab itulah kot di neraka nanti, akan senasib dengan Firaun, Haman dan Ubay bin Khalaf. Nauzubillah!

(sumber: keretamayat blogspot)

Masya Allah, sama-sama kita tilik keyakinan kita pada Islam dan Allah tu pada tahap yang bagaimana? Semoga keyakinan kita berupakan  pengorbanan yang mungkin imbalannya kita tidak terima 'cash' di dunia. Dalam Al-Quran pun Allah ada menyatakan bahawa sesuatu yang baik dijanjikan untuk orang2 yang bertakwa dan bersabar. Insya Allah! Indahnya keyakinan terhadap kecintaan terhadap Allah dan Islam itu. 

Dalam surah Yasin ayat 58 bermaksud, " 'Salam' sebagai ucapan selamat dari Tuhan Yang Maha Penyayang". Sungguh aku dambakan pertemuan dengan penciptaku si Syurga nanti.

Harap sabahat2 kalian sabar dan mengambil pengajaran daripada artikel saudara Hamka kat atas tu tadi. Selamat berusaha ke arah kebaikan niat semata2 kerana Allah Taala. 

Monday, February 13, 2017

There's still a Child inside me: Make up session

Salam and Happy weekend everyone 😊!

Kowg mesti kadang2 terasa nak mengimbau zaman kanak2 kowg kan, ~remisnishing memory down the lane~. I love during my kids time. Tak payah nak pikir pasal duit, bayar itu ini, tak payah nak get involved dgn drama orang2 dewasa, nk pening kepala harga minyak naik sbb pakai kereta, ohhh really kid last time are the best moments. Tapi konfem kids skunk tak bernasib baik macam zaman aku dulu ~aku bersimpati dan kasihan kat uolls~. 

Weekend yang lepas, aku rasa diri ni worth a treat selepas harungi a busy weekdays tapi dalam masa yang sama malas nak bersesak keluar ke shopping mall or having time to meet people. Kadang2, ada masa yang kita nak masa kita berseorangan kan. Tapi macam aku mmg kerap buat sesuatu berseorangan disebabkan masa kita tak fit dengan kawan2 lain utk buat sesuatu aktiviti, that's the reason I always did things alone, more convenience orang kata. Tapi bila waktu2 macam ni aku lebih suka bersama family atau kawan yang boleh layan gila aku. Kawan yang boleh layan gile aku plak x available weekend maka seperti biasa, cousin aku akan jadi mangsa crime aku la kali ni.

Masa aku kecik2 dulu, since adik beradik ramai perempuan: kakak aku, aku dan adik aku (sometimes adik lelaki aku pon join skali) main masak2, buat rumah pakai kusyen, main kahwin2 dengan jiran, senang cakap yang kiteowg main tu adalah real thing ok. Kalau main masak2 tu, daun, kayu, bunga semua kena petik masak pakai tempurung kelapa guna kayu api masak tau. And kalau main conteng2 muka pon pakai alatan make up betul la kan, make up arwah ibu jadi mangsa. Tapi kiteowg jenis cermat, aktiviti kiteowng keep hidden daripada pengetahuan arwah ibu ~how i missed my mom at this moment, Al-fatihah~. 

So ni la mangsa pertama aku, Adik Awin. Muka dia tanned, agak susah nak tahu warna foundation yang sesuai dengan warna kulit dia. Ala, nama pon main conteng2 muka, hasilnya jauh daripada professional make up artist. 

Mangsa kedua nilah Atirah, cousin yang rapat dengan aku, selalu layan bebelan aku, yang selalu ketuk duit aku pon ye jugak ni. Kulit dia banyak bekas2 jerawat but I managed to cover them with the concealer. I wish i could do better with her eyebrows tapi disebabkan foundation dia too sticky, lukisan kening dia jadi smeared. But overall, she's happy with the make up. I am happy too 😘

Seperti yang awal2 tadi aku cakap, aku deserved a treat. So, I would love to be spoiled like a princess jugak 😂. So, I let my face to be spoiled by Atirah. Best kot orang pegang2 and belai2 muka ko sambil ko relax2 tutup mata. So ni la hasil keje cousin aku tu setelah di touch up semula oleh aku lepas repair sikit tang kening, mata and blusher. Good job for the beginner 👍🏻! 

Sebenarnya lagi best kalau ko treat dia ko dengan facial treatment kan, tapi dalam masa yang sama aku nak support cousin aku tu jual barang2 make up, so tu yang keluar idea main conteng2 muka tu 🤣. But at least, boleh upgrade skill make up selain daripada dapat satisfaction to look beautiful kan. 

Weekend kowg macam mana pulak?

Apa2 pun make yourself to the fullest okay!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Jenis Mudah Terhibur

Ada tak sesiapa yang kowg kenali jenis yang mudah terhibur, dengan kata lebih mudah ialah mudah tergelak? Aku ada termasuk la aku sendiri. Ramai yang mengandaikan bahawa orang mudah terhibur ni adalah orang yang selalu memendam kesedihan dalam diri. Lalu yang demikian, beliau mudah untuk mengekspresikan ketawa untuk menutup kesedihan yang dialami beliau daripada disedari orang lain. 

Aku kurang bersetuju dengan pandangan tersebut. Walaubagaimana, sememangnya ketawa merupakan salah satu terapi merawat kesedihan. Aku lebih bersetuju dengan pendapat bahawa orang yang mudah terhibur ni adalah orang yang yang sangat sensitif. Sensitif terhadap perubahan yang kecil dan skop nya meliputi keadaan sekeliling, jiwa serta perasaan. Disebabkan sifat sensitif inilah buat mereka mudah lebih bertindak balas lebih cepat dalam mengekspresikan perasaan mereka tatkala itu termasuklah ketawa berbanding mereka yang kurang sensitif terhadap perubahan. Kebanyakan orang yang mudah terhibur ni mudah menangis, ya itu merupakan tindakbalas perasaan mereka. Oleh yang demikian mereka selalu disalah ertikan dengan orang yang sensitif (lebih kepada sifat negatif iaitu beremosi). Tetapi sifat yang mudah beremosi bergantung pada individu mudah terhibur tersebut untuk menangani perasaan negatif tersebut. Tidak semua yang jenis mudah terhibur ini jenis yang selalu beremosi menangis dan sebagainya.

Apa jua jenis kawan2 anda, anda perlu berterima kasih atas kehadiran kawan2 anda yang mudah terhibur ini. Disebabkan kewujudan merekalah hari2 anda ceria dan bermakna. Ketiadaan mereka menyebabkan anda kesunyian. 

Aku sangat appreciate dengan apa jua kawan2 senang dan susah aku tak kira apa jua mereka daripada jenis yang mudah terhibur atau tidak. Mereka adalah sebahagian daripada hidup aku. 

Rajin2 la click vid kat bawah, vid aku dan kawan2 aku yang mudah terhibur 😍😍

Vid candid xperasan tengah rolling

Vid first take untuk dedicated buat seorang sahabat yang jenis kurang terhibur yang tak boleh join vacation kami

Vid second take. 

Siapa dan apa jua kelemahan dan kelebihan kita, kehadiran sahabat tu sentiasa melengkapi kehadiran masing2 😊

I love raincoat

"Rain, rain go away. Come again another day" definitely wasnt my favourite song when I was a kid because I love to play outside when it was raining. When it's raining, I love the sound of the dropping rain on the roof, floor and etc, the smell of it wetting the grass, the tar road and the coldness that it gives to the earth. It gives such as calm and peaceful to me. The best part is I can wear a rain coat. For me, rain coat is cute to be wear when it's raining. It cover your body with sound of ticking droplets of the rain on it. Hahaha, I know it's funny for me to think and feel that way, but I am having fun doing so. 

 I dont need to wait for the rain to fall just to wear my favourite rain coat. See, I can also wear it in the glasshouse to prevent me getting wet from watering the plants 😂😂. The most inportant thing is I am having fun for the things that I did. 

How about u guys? Do you love something for having fun? 🤗

Hoping that u always having fun in your life.


Salam Jumaat, semua! Semoga Allah memberkati dan merahmati kalian di dunia dan akhirat 😊

Dah lama aku rasa aku tidak bermimpi, barangkali aku mmg tidak bermimpi oleh kerana mendapat tidur yang berkualiti atau barangkali bermimpi, cuma mimpi yang 'significant' kesan dramatiknya pada aku. Tapi malam khamis, aku ingat jelas kronologi dalam mimpi aku, begitu real walaupun perlahan perjalanan mimpi tersebut dan gambarannya cukup jelas. Dalam mimpi tersebut aku ditakdirkan merasai suatu peringkat yang semua wanita bujang dambakan, suatu tanggungjawab, komitmen dan kecintaan terhadap manusia selain dirinya sebagai tanda cintanya Allah pada mahluk2 nya. 

Tersedar daripada mimpi tersebut, aku terus berdoa, mengharapkan apa yang dimimpikan merupakan satu petanda yang khusus dari Allah terhadap doa2 dan usaha yang aku lakukan untuk perbaiki diri bagi tujuan pertemuan jodoh aku yang telah Allah tetapkan di Luh Mahfuz. Sekiranya gambaran jodoh tersebut merupakan zaujahku, Alhamdulillah sebab mudah hati ini untuk menerima beliau seadanya oleh sebab beliau seorang teman rapat dan mungkin sudah arif dengan karakter aku. Kami kenal boleh dikatakan lama dan banyak juga yanv berlaku sepanjang persahabatan kami. Tapi apa yang penting bersangka baik dengan Allah, mgkin bukan spesifik berkaitan jodoh tapi insha allah sesuatu yang baik akan berlaku dan sentiasa tingkatkan amalan ke arah kebaikan niat kerana Allah, semoga Allah permudahkan urusan kita dunia dan akhirat. Dalam soal jodoh aku sebulat2 nya berserah pada ketentuan Allah, bagi aku itu jalan yang terbaik, dari segi usaha, aku berusaha dalam perbaikan fizikal, rohani, spiritual serta mental. Dalam doa, selalu aku doakan supaya dijagakan pandangan mata dan hati aku untuk jodoh sebenarku begitu sebaliknya. 

Pernah beberapa kali cubaan beberapa lelaki cuba untuk kenal, tapi dengan lancar aku menolak mengatakan hati sudah berpunya sedangkan belum. Seperti bulan Januari yang lepas, dua lelaki yang aku kurang kenali dan baru berjumpa cuba mendekati tapi aku tolak dengan tenang. Bila difikirkan semula, lelaki2 yang boleh dikatakan berani mengatakan hasrat dihati mereka harus diberi peluang oleh sebab mempunyai rupa yang boleh tahan, perilaku yang baik serta pekerjaan yang stabil tapi dengan mudah aku tolak mentah2 untuk mengenali lebih rapat. Aku bersangka baik sebab Allah jaga jodohku untuk zaujah yang selayaknya. Amin!

Di sini aku sertakan pandangan Islam terhadap mimpi.👇🏻

Semoga mimpi2 kalian yang baik2 tu datang dari Allah. Amin!

Thursday, February 9, 2017

How we celebrate CNY 2017

Happy Chinese New Year to all!

It was a great moment when family can reunite especially during raya festival. This is the second year celebrate CNY without our beloved mom. Time flies so fast! I still can remember the last day when I was with her, just like yesterday. Thank to Almighty Allah for giving us strong heart and mentality to past this difficult years without her existence. 

Omar and Azizah's family started the reunion at my cousin's wedding (the groom's side) at Kota Bharu. Unfortunately, I cant be there coz the bus ticket was sold out. So, I was able to join them the first day of CNY at night at my sister's crib in Paka, Terengganu. I was not in good shape, having a cold for the past 2 days was so not cool. 

Vid of my restless sick day 😂. I am not the type of person to sit around when I am sick. I have to do some preparation for the evening Tahlil and bday suprised celebration at night

We did mannequin challenge for the family. It was succeed after two takes, great job guys 👍🏻

After the tahlil recital, at nighy we did a birtdhday suprised for those who bornt in January. It was a wonderful moment when you have family gathering after busy and hectic life in your daily routine. The next morning, other family in Omar Azizah's started to make their way back home, left only Yati Ramli's family which is my family. We spent our holiday there till Wednesday. 


We went to Gambang for night safari. I didnt realized that we have this kind of places to visit in Peninsular. No so bad although it still lacking and need to be upgraded for some area. The animal are well-maintaned, freed to the environment. You can see many animal from Savannah climate, beautiful! 

At the entrance

In the tramp to visit the area of animal freed in the environment. The tramp was air conditioned and the windows were shut. We have a tourist guide along thr way to give some infos to related animal and its origin. It was a fun ride 😊! 

Tok ayah Ramli and his grandchildren. They all having fun with Tok Ayah 😍😍

Rest for awhile for Solat and having some snack at the cafe near to Lion's home. There was a male and a female lion beyond that glass partitioned. We rest until the next show (fire and tarzan show). 

 After gambang trip, we heading back to hotel near Paka for one night to let the kids swimming and play at the beach. 

And that's how we spent our CNY vacation before everyone back to daily routine. It was short but it was a great , memorable moments for sure. Love you guys and thank you for being part of my life.

Before ending my entry, kindly watch the vid of me with my only nephew, Rayyan

Meet shy shy Rayyan

Tutorial how wear specs by Fashionista, Rayyan

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Bye bye my Taska's Job

Welcome February 2017!

Hye hye, silent readers. Hope you are doing really great and awesome! 

27th of January was the last day I worked at Taska de' Sayang under KPM, Putrajaya. It was another a great experience and pleasure in my life to work there together with nice people and the kids that really that always make my day happy. 

It was sad when I realized that my last day will come soon, same goes to other teachers as well. I thought my existence wont be that significance in that preschool since I was a part timer and worked halfday from 7.30am to 1.00pm but to my suprised, they said they gonna miss my existence. They said I was sporting to take part in any activities the preschool held, friendly and handful that make the environment so warm and cheerful. Indeed I am that kind of person 👽. But as usual, I am not good at parting, other would take me as a cold person if I reacted like I dont felt sad at all, how ever what I felt was totally opposite. Obviously I was so damn sad. 

What a joke, the final week before I left, the teachers in my class made a prank. Of course, I am a person who have a keen eye to see their intention to do so, but at last they did well. They requested all the teachers of that class to wear sport attires (which was totally broke the dress code), I said is it for real, but they said yes. I double confirmed the morning before I went to work with my cousin (one of teacher is my cousin's bestfriend who stayed in my cousin's house, what Jyha wore that morning) since I dont trust my colleagues but unfortunately my cousin also joined to prank me. Thanked to them, I off to work wore sport attires. The other teacher dont know the situation of the prank, so they teased me that I wanted to do some demo of exercises for the kids. When they knew the real intention, they just laughed. Good job dear colleagues, U had me pranked! 

Vid of my last week working

Vid the morning before reaching the workplace and before I knew I was pranked by my colleagues

Thank you dear teachers, parent and kids for the warm wishes and celebrations you guys did for me before leaving. I totally appreaciated for what you have give me especially those beautiful moments and great experiences that I cherished till enf of my life. Insha allah I will come to visit you guys. Thank you too for sending me those updates and pictures of my beloved kids to me although I wasnt there to help you guys anymore. Love all!

Vid of the kids last year before they entered to new class

 Teachers of 2 year class

Candid was the best pic when you captured with the kids

New batch of fave kid: Adlan. He wasnt able to walk properly at first when he entered our class. But after a few weeks after I trained him, he can walk very well. Love his smiles
2nd fave kid: Muaz

3rd fave kid: Amelia

Coincidentally that 4 of us shared same birthday. No wonder we engaged quite well.

Bye bye people. Gonna miss you 😘😘

Saturday, February 4, 2017

It's 2017

Wow, it's just another new year! Time always been a great teacher. Once you've lost it, you wont get it back. Well, I dont think I have new resolution this year because it will always been same as previous year and it has become a daily target in my life onwards. But definitely, one things I would be chasing is whatever makes my soul feel good. I will do what I want to that makes me better, no regret. 

Thus, for this new year event, may be this a good start by joining my friend's event, distributed the goodies pack for the homeless around Masjid Jamek and the area nearby for almost 100 packs.
 Organised by the founder of Bromeliad Station, Mr Zulhilmi Misrol a.k.a Gundam Emi (can search through FB about them), involving other 3 volunteers basically friends of him.

Azam, Gundam, Syu and me

It was a great experience to see how the homeless survived during the night hrs in this city. The numbers of the homeless slept along the pavent reduced compared to last time I encountered with another volunteering event of other group since the NGOs put a lot of efforts to give better place for the homeless to stay in the Masjid Negara at night under certain condition. Luckily, I dont see any women and kids around that night, most of them were men. 

 It was peaceful though to see KL at midnight compared during the days. One of the volunteer wondered why they become homeless since this is her first encountered by joining this volunteer event, and I said, "living is hard nowadays and not many people are lucky enough to have what we had".
 I would like to say thank you for the cooperation from the volunteers and sponsors, thank you for having a big hearts. It might looked as a small gifts but to them were everything. Thank you too mr organiser for this charity event, it is a priceless experience before hand in my life journey. 

"If you cant find kind people, be one". It is not that hard, your heart is all that matter 😊😊

And my wish would be... 🤗

So people Happy welcoming 2017. May Allah blessed you all, Amin!