Monday, August 8, 2016

Unique Relationship: Hijrah Cinta

Inspired by true stories..

This is the stories about this guy and girl, unaware of each other existence become friend and then a best friend! As a single guy and a single girl, they are always mistaken by others as a couple or a lover. It is always a taboo accordingly to unknown common people love relationship book reference, they normally end up as one-sided love or fall for each other. But in their stories, it is a little bit complicated, and fast forward let say they end up to have this out of best friend zone as 'future relationship goal' as agreed by both parties where they found this is a way better than those unfuturistic relationship. 

Time passed, there was elements of very little romance but yet a lots of unknown pressures taken place in their futuristic relationship goal but not as best friendship they had! (Confious?? Let's keep reading.. That is not the highlighted part). As we can predict, their not going so well relationship end up also under agreement for both parties and back together as best friend. 

In normal scenario, can they be as best friend just like before? 

Since the guy had the same experienced before, he expected that the girl will leave him and their best friendship seems to imposibble and afraid that the girl will hated him for what had happened. Like other failure in relationship, people will blamed the guy for it. Buy he valued their relationship same as the girl. They had a real talk over the phone that night when they agreed to end that futuristic relationship. 

In most scenario, the girl will hated for the guy and leave him behind, and moved on!

Yes, the girl moved forward on her life for that not really going well relationship but stay as his best friend. This is what she want to tell the guy!

You did great after all this while!
And thank you, boy..
There is a time i felt regret sending the emails bragging over this not going well relationship,  the feeling you had for me and so on..

And your replied on the untold story on your past, unsettled sound familiar to me as i predicted, 
Was the ground reason that you cant have heart for me though you hv tried as referred to you.. 
That was what my ears heard, 

But my mind and heart says otherwise,
The untold story was true but why i dont think that was the not totally the ground reason, 
Your past make you feel half hearted on this relationship, 

Why i think you lied when you told me you dont have feeling for me,
Because i still can feel the love but not the warmth one, 
You sent the cold one,
You hold in and keep your feeling,
Being secure and guarded up around me,
May be you afraid of hurting.. I think..

But whatever it is,
It dont matter me much..
You and me have put efforts on it to make it really work,

But I dont being fair to you..
The reason i wanted to end all these because i dont find inner peace in my life anymore,
Everything i did seems to be wrong,
I lost my true self,
In the middle of trying to make the relationship work, 
I forget that what really works in your life is the only Creator of the universe, Allah SWT..
I did less and less on my tahajud, Quran and Yasin recital, my dua become shorten after solat..
Allah is the Most Gracious and Forgiven,
To Him i should return to,
He become my priority, 
I want to find back my inner peace, 
My true self,

Once i felt that you are the one who destined to be my imam and zaujah which have been written in Luf Mahfuz,
I believe It might be still..when the right time come despite all those preferences that we had for our future partner,
But what the most matter,
Allah is the Greatest Planner,
He is the one who hold our hearts,
That's His secret,
In order to have a great zaujah you have to be one too..

Alhamdulillah i found my inner peace i've searching for all this while..
Thank you for understanding and accept me for who I am..

I also want to hear that you said,
"You did great, girl!" too.

How can the girl hates the guys because the special bonded they had from the beginning as best friend!

This song delivered the rest of the stories

And this is the girl's favourite novel where it was then inspired into movie before she getting know the boy!
Always her favourite, why?
Watch it then you will understand

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